Sunday, May 18, 2008

These are two of the pictures from the folder of the Basilica of the National Shrine in Washington DC. One is from the Chapel dedicated to Mary, Mother of Perpetual Help and the other is a mosaic backdrop from one of the altars in the Crypt Chapel which is by far the most beautiful and elegant worship space that I have seen anywhere in the US.

The image folder can be found HERE.

Watch this space for further details of the project....

While heading back to New York from New Jersey today I couldn't resist the opportunity to make a slight detour via Montclair to see how the irises in the Presby Memorial Gardens were coming along.

It is a little early for them as they are usually in full bloom around Memorial Day weekend but there were just enough flowering for it to be worth getting out my camera, tripod and a couple of lenses. I have taken pictures there a couple of times before but this was my first time with a digital camera and I have to say that it was a real luxury being able to just increase the virtual film speed to enable me to use higher shutter speeds and not have to worry about the wind blowing the petals.

Here is a LINK to some of the pictures.

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Some kind of update is long overdue but I lack the time and focus to do it justice today. For the time being I will limit myself to a link to the folder of images I just posted.

Just for a change they are not of stained glass, they are of beautiful mosaics from the Basilica of the National Shrine in Washington, DC, where I have been working on an exciting new project about which I will post more later.

Here is a link to the Basilica Mosaics Folder