Sunday, November 06, 2005

New William Morris Stained Glass calendar.

Today we not only launched our new William Morris calendar but we also set up a web-page on so that people can buy it direct from us (rather than from CafePress) at a discounted price AND with FREE shipping for the US. We will be asking customers to be a little patient because the low pricing means batching of orders placed on CafePress and double-shipping but that's the cost of doing business cheaply.

The calendar is already being very well received by William Morris affectionados, and so it should. It is a unique and original work featuring hitherto unpublished images showing details from the very first William Morris Company stained glass commission for an American client. The designs which make up the Vanderpoel Memorial Window are a microcosm of Morris works from the 1860's and 1870's. The designs include works by Edward Burne-Jones, Ford Madox Brown and William Morris himself and, when I photographed it, the window was in an excellent state of repair.

So far we have published 2 calendars but I do have ideas for a 3rd, 4th and even 5th if I get around to them.